Centro Leonardo - Food court
Viale Giovanni Amendola 129
40026 Imola
structure: ristoranti, pizzerie, agriturismi
tel. 0542.626734
Opening hours: 11.45am to 2.30pm
Closing day: no closing day
Menu: traditional cuisine
Places: 60
Service: accessible to the disabled, credit card accepted
Old Wild West Express
tel. 0542.40806
Opening hours: 12.00am to 9.00pm (Sunday and Holidays till 8.00pm)
Closing day: no closing day
Menu: fast food
Places: 104
Service: accessible to the disabled
Sushi Sun Bar
tel. 0542.1901795
Opening hours: 11.30am to 9.00pm (Sunday and Holidays till 8.00pm)
Closing day: no closing day
Menu: asian fusion
Places: 60
Service: accessible to the disabled