Sentiero Luca Ghini, Casalfiumanese (BO)

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The Luca Ghini Trail

Posted on 10 November 2022

Sentiero Luca Ghini, Casalfiumanese (BO)

The Luca Ghini trail will take you from the 19th-century Villa Manusardi in the centre of Casalfiumanese to the ruins of the house that was once the botanist’s birthplace, hiking across the picturesque gullies of the Regional Park of the Vena del Gesso of Romagna.

Start at Villa Manusardi Park, with the pine-tree-lined avenue right opposite the Casalfiumanese Town Hall (ample parking), and take the downhill path that starts on the right immediately after a series of steep steps. Follow the CAI (SLG) signs to a narrow road that runs along the Casale stream and follow the road on the right to reach a small bridge. Cross the stream and cut across the park of the abandoned Villa Masolini until you come out onto Via Ceredola, where you turn right. Take the easily recognisable uphill track on the left and continue along the olive grove (before it descends onto the former motocross track). You will reach the gully ridge of the small Rio Canale valley. Continue uphill all the way to the ruins of Baladelli di Sopra, walk past the ruins bearing left on a track that leads first across an orchard, then onto the dirt road of the ridge. Turn left to get to Baladelli di Mezzo, then continue left and cut across an arable field to reach the ruins of Ca’ Frascari at the junction with trail 703. From here, turn right and hike all the way up to the summit of Monte Maggiore.