Cinta muraria, Mordano (BO)

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Between Mordano and Bubano

Posted on 15 December 2022

Cappellania S. Francesco, Mordano (BO)

The route starts in via Sant’Eustachio, passes in between the Two Towers, the true symbol of Mordano, and arrives at the 18th century Church of Sant’Eustachio Martire, a short distance away from the Municipal Theatre. At the crossroads between Via Roma and Piazza Borgo Generale Vitali, the remains of a round tower are visible, as well as the ruins of the walls that once protected the castle. Cross Via Lughese and Piazza Borgo Generale Vitali, go through the tunnel at number 37 of Piazza Borgo Generale Vitali and you will reach the Blood Donor Park first, then the new Town Hall. Opposite the Town Hall, in via Bacchilega, a cycle and pedestrian path runs alongside the sports field as far as Via Giovanni Paolo II Street. Turn right to get to via S. Francesco and then follow the cycle path that runs alongside via S. Francesco as far as the Chapel of St Francis, erected by the Benedictines and subsequently taken over by the Franciscans. Walk up to the junction with via Umido, then take the cycle path in Via Umido and turn right over the small bridge (via Mattarella) until you get to Parco Europa. From parco Europa, take via Pirazzoli and then via Tobagi. Once in via Tobagi you will see the 19th century Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary on the right, then the Sforza Tower, which dates back to the time of Caterina Sforza and is the only part of the ancient castle of Bubano that could be recovered. Turn left onto via Lume and after a few metres you will find another cycle path running alongside the Molini Canal and leading to the crossroads with via Cavallazzi/Fluno. Turn right onto via Fluno cycle path as far as Via Canaletta. Turn left onto via Canaletta until you get to the hamlet of Chiavica. Turn left again and follow Via Colombarone Canale and via Colombarone all the way to via Umido. Turn left and walk along Via Umido until you get back onto the cycle path that runs alongside Via San Francesco.

From here, return to the centre of Mordano.